Expertise in Scaffolding and Manpower Supply

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Elevate your Projects with ARMS

We promote a competitive pricing through a focus of long term business and localized procurement.
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Our Services

Our team is experienced, competent, and relies on innovation to accommodate even the most complex access requirements at the site. To that end, we are heavily promoting the use of prefabricated scaffolding rather than the conventional tube and coupler system.

trading and rental

Trading and Rental

Trading and rental of scaffolding materials.

Inspection and Consultancy

Scaffolding inspection and consultancy services.

sole distributor

Scaffolding Management System

Exclusive provider of our unique Scaffolding Management System for comprehensive scaffolding activity control.

Scaffolding Erection and Dismantling

Scaffolding erection and dismantling with tube and coupler and/or prefabricated scaffolding system.

How we Operate

Our Executive Management and Departmental Heads are dedicated professionals driven by both the business and client success.

We are highly experienced multinational personnel, well-versed in the latest industry practices in manufacturing and project management. Through constant innovation, we have proven our ability to offer superior technology and value to our clients.

International Standard